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Home Page

The homepage allows instant access to common pages and selected summary information. It's even customized based on your account!

Features You Know and Love

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Breadcrumb Bar

The breadcrumb bar is the lighter-coloured bar just below the navigation bar which shows you where you are in the site. It shows the real path that you've followed through the site to get to the current page. That means that even if you take an unusual route to the page, you can always get back to any page along that path, either using the breadcrumb directly, or using the Close button found on most pages.

Where to Find this Feature: All Pages (Upper left, under menu)

Click on image for a more detailed view.


Did you know that you can have your own custom bookmarks? It's true! Just click on the small bookmark icon on the breadcrumb bar on any page which you'd like to bookmark. That's it! Clicking on the dropdown icon will show you all your bookmarks. If you decide you no longer need that bookmark, you can delete it by hovering over the link and clicking the small 'x' beside the bookmark.

Where to Find this Feature: All Pages (Top right, the star under the Logout link)

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Quick Stats

We've added some useful statistics to the top of the homepage. These give you a quick peek at what you currently have active at TCP. If you have a suggestion for a statistic that would be useful in this section, there's room for more. Let us know!

Where to Find this Feature: Home Page

Unscanned Cages

Concerned about your cage numbers? The homepage now includes a "Cages Unscanned in 14 Days" statistic. If that number starts to creep up, you can click on it to get a listing of the unscanned cages. In some cases, these cages may have been mistakenly left unterminated. Now you can quickly catch that situation before unwanted charges are accumulated.

Where to Find this Feature: Home Page

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